Organic fresh yeast bread
We use a cold and slow fermentation process for all our bread to develop the dough's flavour before baking. It also makes it fresh for longer. The rule is simple, the longer you take to make your bread, the longer it will last.
We have a couple of heavy duty mixers called Hilary and Hazel to help us with the mixing process. However, everything else afterwards is handmade. We divide, shape, rest and bake all our breads with skills, patience and precision to maintain consistency and quality in each bake.
Fresh yeast is a key ingredient as it makes our bread rise. We don't use dry yeast as we believe it tastes better.
Shipton Mill has been our flour supplier since the beginning of Fresh Dough's adventure. Our flours are the same as for our organic sourdough loaves using 3 types only: Organic traditional white, stoneground organic wholemeal flour and stoneground organic dark rye flour. We also add a blend of 5 seeds made of sunflower seeds, oats, millet, malted wheat flakes and barley flakes.
Our selection of fresh yeast loaves are similar to the sourdough ones : white, seeded white, brown and seeded brown. We also offer a flavoursome 'pain de campagne' which combines white and rye flavour. Using this mix we create olive and walnut loaves.
Our ingredients are : organic flour, fresh yeast, water and salt.